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Wednesday 22 May 2013


By on 11:37


Hello guys, Today will provide you 2 awesome and easy trick through which you can hack admin account through guest account.\

If you been using someones Pc in guest account and want to have Admin privilage then worry not,there is a trick for you to Gain Admin Privilage .
lets get started with it.


1) Go to C:/windows/system32.

2) Copy cmd.exe and paste it on desktop.

3) Rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe.

4) Copy the new sethc.exe to system 32,when windows asks for overwriting the file,then click yes.

5) Now Log out from your guest account and at the user select window,press shift key 5 times.

6) Instead of Sticky Key confirmation dialog,command prompt with full administrator privileges will open.

7) Now type “ NET USER ADMINISTRATOR "zzz" where “zzz" can be any password you like and press enter.

8) You will see “ The Command completed successfully" and then exit the command prompt and login into administrator with your new password.

9) Bravo !! Now You have hacked admin through guest account.

Monday 20 May 2013

How to Break a BIOS Password (for laptop and pc)

By on 20:35
How to Break a BIOS Password (for laptop and pc)
Methods of breaking password for Desktop PC and for laptop is quite different. We would explaineach. 
Break BIOS Passwordfor Desktop : 
If it's a desktop PC, erasing the cmos memory will usually clear it.

1. Power off the computer and make sure that it is unplugged. 
2. Open up your computer case. You need physical access to themotherboard to complete this procedure.
3. Find a circular, (mostly) silver metallic object on the motherboard. This is the CMOS battery.
4. CAREFULLY remove the CMOS battery and leave it out for about 120- 180 seconds. This will flush the CMOS memory which stores the BIOS password and all other configuration. (See Warnings)
5. Set the battery back into place and power on the computer.
6. The computer should then warn you that the CMOS configuration could not be found. You can either reconfigure it yourself or restore defaults. Restoring the default configuration should befine.
7. You will notice that the BIOS password has been cleared and you can boot without it. You may reset the BIOS password to something else bygoing into the BIOS configuration and setting a new User Password.
Alternate Methos: (More Dificult)
Remove a jumper: There's a jumper on your motherboard that you'll need to identify and remove. Most motherboards make your job easier by actually labeling the correct jumper as"BIOS config" or something similar. (it looks like a small plastic thingy on 2 pins with 1 pin beside it, within a 1" of the battery). If you're having trouble looking for it, look in the motherboard manual.After you have found it, carefuly pull straight up on it, and place it on the 2-3 pins(it was on the 1-2 pins). With the battery removed and the jumper moved, turn the computer on, and check to see if you can get into the bios. If you are able to, turn the computer off, put the jumper back on pins 1-2, and put the battery back in. Lastly put the case together and you are done.
Note: Don't forget to configure the BIOS (if you know how) after this process. If you you don't know how, just hold the "delete" button when starting your PC and when the blue screen appears, find the load safe defaults settings and press:
*. ENTER button
*. Y button
*. F10 button
Break BIOS Passwordfor Laptop :
Remember that laptops can be trickier, especially if it's a newer model. If it has a security chip on the motherboard forget about it. You either have to physically remove the chip or contact the mfg for the "master" password. If you can boot up off of a cd or floppy try any of these methods:
1. Create a Win98SE bootable media "or anything that lets you boot into MS-DOS" and boot off of it.
2. When the A:\> prompt appears type debug and press enter.
3. You will then only see a "-".
4. Type o 70 2E "include the spaces" and press Enter.
5. Type o 71 ff "include the spaces" and press Enter.
6. Type q and press Enter.
7. Here are a list of common mfg backdoor passwords
AWARD SW, AWARD_SW, Award SW, AWARD PW, _award, awkward, J64, j256, j262, j332, j322, 01322222, 589589, 589721, 595595, 598598, HLT, SER, SKY_FOX, aLLy, aLLY, Condo, CONCAT, TTPTHA, aPAf, HLT, KDD, ZBAAACA, ZAAADA, ZJAAADC,


By on 20:28
First, let me explain what Doxing is. Doxing is the process of gaining information about someone or something by using sources on the Internet and using basic deduction skills. Its name is derived from “Documents” and in short it is the retrieval of “Documents” on a person or company.

You’re probably thinking, “Okay, so basically it’s getting information from searching someone’s email on Google right?” in a sense yes, but there are actually easier ways to get someone’s information online. The most popular and most common method is to use a website called Pipl (http://www.pipl.com/). Pipl allows you to search for full names, emails, usernames, and even phone numbers, thus making it a very useful tool for hackers. Another source hackers can use is Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/). Sure, Facebook allows full name searches, but most hackers aren’t using it for its name search; they’re using it for its email search. The main goal when Doxing is to find the target’s email (if you don’t have it). Your email is essentially your passport online; you sign up for websites using it, you have personal information on it, and if someone has access to it, they can essentially pretend to be you online. Once the hacker has the email, all he has to do is put it into Facebook or Pipl and he will be able to find you, assuming the email he has is connected to some account you have online. On the flipside of this, in order to find your email, the hacker either has to guess your email, befriend you on Facebook,or, hack one of your vulnerable friends and view your email that way. Once he’s done that, you’re in trouble. Now, you’re probably thinking, “How’s he going to hack me with just my email?” well, that’s where Doxing comes in handy. If he can view your Facebook account, or he can find some other bit of information about you using Pipl, he can do what’s called reverting. Reverting is the process of using the target’s email’s recovery questions to gain access to the target’s email. Now, you may be thinking, “How’s he gonna guess my recovery question answers?” well, take a second look at your recovery questions and ask yourself, “Can someone find this answer online?” If you answered yes, then you’re vulnerable to reverting. Any hacker reading this, that didn't previously know about reverting, would probably look at this and say “This would never work!” but you have to remember… we’re all humans, and we all make mistakes. Surprisingly, this method works more often than you’d think, but it is not for anyone who is lazy. Doxers tend to spend a while searching around the web for information that they can use. Chances are, you’ve made some mistakes online, and if a skilled Doxer finds that mistake, then you’re in trouble. The Doxing method is based purely on the ability of the hacker to recognize valuable information about his target and use this information to his benefit. It is also based around the idea that, “The more you know about your target, the easier it will be to find his or her flaws.” How can you insure that you won’t be Doxed? Well, as the Internet becomes more and more useful and addicting, it will become harder to not get Doxed. The main issue for most victims is their security questions, and their password security. If a victim has a very easy-to-find recovery question, then the victim will be easily reverted within a matter of seconds. Also, if the victim has a simple password, it could get brute forced simply by using a wordlist that applies to the victim’s interests, likes, and fancies (of course, this method is not as popular). So, the main rule to not getting hacked is: Have secure passwords, and almost impossible to guess recovery questions. The main rule to not getting Doxed is… to just stay off the Internet; but, who wants to do that?

Saturday 18 May 2013

How to Unfriend Multiple People at Once on Facebook

By on 22:02

Facebook-logoAre you missing out your friends’ important updates on Facebook timeline? Because you have more number of unknown people added as friends and their updates are getting added up on your timeline. Then it is time to delete or unfriend those unknown people from your Facebook account. It will take a lot of time to unfriend each profile one by one if you have too many friends. So you need a tool that can unfriend more number of people with just a few clicks.
This is where userscript Delete Facebook Friends comes handy. With this userscript you can bulk delete all your friends on Facebook. This is a Greasemonkey userscript that works with both Firefox and Chrome (to install this userscript on Chrome you need Tampermonkey extension).

How to Bulk Unfriend People on Facebook:

For Firefox users:

1. Download and install Greasemonkey addon.
2. Then install Delete Facebook Friends userscript.
3. Go to Facebook, open your Friend list page by clicking on FRIENDS in the Facebook sidebar
then click on See all friends button at the top of the page.
4. Now on your Friends list page you will see two extra buttons added at the top, Select all and Delete Selected Friends.
5. Here on this page check the profiles which you want to delete. Once you finished selecting your friends, click on Delete Selected Friends button at the top.
6. That’s it. All your selected friends are now deleted.

For Chrome users:

All the steps are same for Chrome users, except that you will need Tampermonkey extension to install theDelete Selected Friends userscipt.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

How To stop Skype from starting automatically

By on 04:35

To stop Skype from starting when you turn on your computer: click on Tools -> Options -> General Settings and un-check "Start Skype when I start Windows."  Click Save at the bottom right corner of that screen.

Next, sign out of Skype.  When you re-start Skype, un-check the "Sign Me In When Skype Starts" underneath where you input your password.

That should do it.

Monday 6 May 2013

iPhone 6 Release Date

By on 22:19

 iPhone 6 Release Date

The iPhone 6 release date has had a lot of speculations.. Many believe it wont be released until as late as Fall 2014

Xbox 720 released Date announced by Microsoft

By on 22:17

Xbox 720

Microsoft announced that they will reveal the "next generation" Xbox on May 21, 2013. Rumors are that the specs of this next-gen console are an 8 core processor and could be released to the public during the holiday season.
It's hard to believe that the Xbox 360 was released back in 2005. This 8-year-old generation of consoles can barely keep up with modern graphics, so it's about time that new ones arrived. Check out all these consoles that could come out in 2013! The successor to the Xbox 360 has been highly anticipated over the past couple years. It's currently known as the "Xbox 720" or "Durango", but nobody is sure what the new Microsoft console will be called. The Xbox 720 will be revealed at E3 2013 and could come out by the end of the year. Leaked information suggests that the Xbox 720 will have an 8-core processor and will place a major focus on digital content.

Sunday 5 May 2013

CRACK WINDOWS PASSWORD IN 5 MIN (win xp, win7, vista)

By on 00:30
(win xp, win7, vista)

Using Ophcrack,You can crack account password of almost all the Windows till date,And since OphCrack is the fastest password cracking tool,it wont take more than 4-5 minutes to crack a password.So let's begin -

What Do You Need ?
BackTrack 5 Live DVD.
Rainbow Files (i'll tell you what it is.)
Physical Access to victim PC.

So What-The-Hell is Rainbow Files ?

First thing that pops in mind when reading rainbow files is the collection of rainbows and unicorns flying,but no,Rainbow Files/Tables are basically huge sets of precomputed tables filled with hash values that are pre-matched to possible plaintext passwords. The Rainbow Tables essentially allow hackers to reverse the hashing function to determine what the plaintext password might be. It's possible for two different passwords to result in the same hash so it's not important to find out what the original password was, just as long as it has the same hash. The plaintext password may not even be the same password that was created by the user, but as long as the hash is matched, then it doesn't matter what the original password was.

So What Do I Need To Do ?
You need to download the rainbow tables matching to the OS Version of your victim PC,Get Them Here http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/tables.php
You can download the smaller files because they will work,unless your victim is the Head of FBI who uses 28 letter long password.NOTE : the vista files will work for Windows 7 and Windows 8 too.

Everything is Downloaded and ready,Now -
Put the downloaded rainbow tables in a flash drive,and pick that BackTack 5 Live DVD too.

Let The Hack Begin -
Step 1 -
Boot the Victim PC with BackTrack Live DVD.

Step 2 -
Now Navigate To The Directory where windows password files are Stored.

Step 3 -
Locate the Files "SAM" and "System",and copy them to a new folder on BackTrack desktop.

Step 4 -
Run The OphCrack tool in backtrack by : start->Backtrack->Privilege Escalation->Password Attack->offline Attacks-ophCrack GUI.

Step 5 -
Go to "Load" and select "Encrypted SAM" in ophcrack tool.Now it will ask you to select directory that contains SAM folder. Select the directory where you saved the SAM file (new folder on desktop).

Step 6 -
Target The Administrator Account,remove other account off the list (if any).

Step 7 -
Plug in the pen-drive/flash drive,Extract The Rainbow Tables to Desktop.

Step 8 -
Click on the Table button in ophcrack tool. Now it will ask you to selec the table. Select the files as required.Click OK after that.

Step 9 -
Now Hit the Crack Button,and wait for 3-4 minutes,You will have the key in your hands .

Bypass Surveys to Download | For Free

By on 00:27

Bypass Surveys to Download | For Free

We often come across sites in which we have to forcefully do a survey because we have to download a file or see some content.In all of these surveys we are forced to disclose our personal information like our phone number , email id etc.

Later these sites irritate you with their sms’s spam mails of offers in which you not at all are interested !
So i’ve found a way by which you can get through these sites without leaking out your personal information !

Let’s start -

1. Download this add on called ”greasemonkey” for mozilla firefox (mozilla is needed ).


After installing it,it would appear like this in your browser -

2. After installing it download this script which runs with the help of this add on(greasemonkey) —


Install this script and make sure the monkey on the right side of your mozilla screen is colored (which means greasemonkey is activated,to activate or deactivate just click on it)

3. Now go to the site which tells you to do the survey and asks for your information etc..

4. You’ll see an option on top left side of the page which says ” Press CTRL+SHIFT+F to fill in form. ”

Do as directed..press CTRL+SHIFT+F and you will see that the form gets filled on its own and all the information filled out there is completely random !

Click on submit and you are registered on the site and now you can easily download what you wanted to ! :)

This is all random stuff filled by the script.


5. Some sites may tell you to verify your identity by logging into your mail and opening some url or to get some pin ! For this all you have to so is go to http://www.yopmail.com/en/ . Go to this site and you’ll get a temporary email id for around 15-30min.>paste that temporary email id at the place of email id which your intelligent form filler has randomly filled>click on submit form.

Here ”yoyo@yopmail.com” is the yopmail email id which is replaced by the default id given by ”form filler”

Here ”yoyo@yopmail.com” is the yopmail email id which is replaced by the default id given by ”form filler”

6. Check http://www.yopmail.com/en/ Inbox for the mail from the site>Get the pin or confirmation link>you are done !

Here as you can see two mails from the site where we have to forcefully register and the confirmation link plus password (other mails are just spam,ignore them).

Saturday 4 May 2013

How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked

By on 00:42
How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked ?

If your account is temporarily blocked from sending friend requests, it may be because friend requests you’ve sent have gone unanswered or been marked as unwelcome. In the future, you should send friend requests to people you have a real-life connection to, like your friends, family, coworkers, or classmates.

Today i am going to Show you How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked ?

1. First you need a email account of person that you want to send the request. You can easily get from his profile or try other methods.

2. Now go to Friend option and click on the Find Friends Option or Open this URL https://www.facebook.com/?sk=ff

                                        How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked1
3. now enter your friend email id ( Hotmail , Google, yahoo etc.) and click on the Find Friend option then you have option for Add friends.

                                            How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked2

4. if you want to add more people then go to Other tools menu in down select your option. Like if you want to add people from
                                               How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked3
5. Like if you want to add people from  Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express / Windows Contacts/Apple ID or Thunderbird, so click on the Upload contact file option and upload your contact file.
                                            How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked4

6. if you are not using these email services then open a notepad and write all the email addresses to your friends separated with commas (,) and name the notepad file as yourdesiredname.vcf , then upload it and send your friend request.

Enjoy your friend request. but not send the friend request the people that you don’t know.

Hope you like my post.How To Send Friend Request on Facebook When you Are Blocked. Please Share with others.

how to crack idm manually

By on 00:39

Step 1: Download the IDM trial or If you already have IDM installed Update it by going to Help---}} then to check for 
If you don't wanna update your version, Just click on Registration.
Step2: When you click on registration, Now a new dialog appears that is asking for Name, Last Name, Email Address and Serial Key.
Step3: Now Enter you name, last name, email address and in field of Serial Key enter any of the following Keys:










And click on ok to register.
Step4: Now after you click ok, it will show an error message that you have registered IDM using fake serial key and IDM will exit. Now here the hack starts.
Step5: Now Go to START --}} Then go to RUN and type the following text and click enter:
notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
For Windows 7 users, due to security reasons you will not be able to save hosts file.
The trick is below:
First of all go to C:/ drive then go to Windows Folder and then go to System32 folder and then go to Drivers folder and then go to Etc Folder, in the Etc folder you will see thehosts file.
Now right click on hosts file and go to its properties, then go to security tab and then select your admin account, just below u will see an edit button (in front of change permissions), Now give the user full control and write and read rights and then click on applyand then click on Ok, now u will be able to edit the hosts file and save changes in it.Step6: Now a notepad file appears something like this as shown below:

how to hack IDM manually
How to hack IDM manually : Host file
Now copy the below lines of code and add to hosts file as shown above: tonec.com www.tonec.com registeridm.com www.registeridm.com secure.registeridm.com internetdownloadmanager.com www.internetdownloadmanager.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com

After adding these piece of code, save the notepad file. And exit from there.
Now start your Internet download manager, and now you IDM has been converted to full version and specially when you update next time, your registration will not expire. That means it will remain full version for life time and you can update it without any problem.
Negative Aniket

Friday 3 May 2013

How to Extract Text From Images

By on 01:04
Hi Friends Today we will Learn How to Extract Text from any Given Image.

Normally if we need information in text format from images, we have to type it all. But instead of doing all the typing you can use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software to extract all the text from an image.
OCR recognize The Handwritten or Printed or Typewritten Text and Convert them into Editable Word or Text format. Although the Output may not be 100% accurate and you need to do some editing work.
But its always better to do some editing instead or Typing Whole Document

To extract Text from images you can use some Online OCR softwares but I will show you an easy way, You just Require MS office in you Computer, we will use Microsoft office onenote to extract text from images.

Lets Check how to do it with MS Office:

Step 1:  START > All Programs > MS office > Microsoft office Onenote.

Step 2: Now Copy paste the image into Ms office onenote from which you want to extract text.

Step 3: Right Click on the image And select  " Copy text From picture "

Step 4: Thats it, Now open notepad or Word And paste the extracted Content.

Step 5: Now you can edit the Spelling mistakes if any.

I hope this prove to be very usefull and it will Consume less time to Complete your Work.

Keep visiting. :)

Thursday 2 May 2013

How to Use Whatsapp on PC for Windows and Mac

By on 00:00

Guys as you know Whatsapp is the most Popular Messanger available in the Market for Mobile Phones.

Unfortunately if you dont own a Smart phone then you might not be able to use whatsapp. But don't worry today we Will learn How to use Whatsapp On PC as well.
You can Use it On both Windows and Mac.

Let us See How to Use Whatsapp On Windows and Mac PC.

To Run Whatsapp on Pc, We will Require Android Emulator, Android Emulator Helps us to Run Whatsapp on PC. 

Step 1: Youwave And Bluestack Are the Two Android Emulator which enable us to Run Whatsapp or any other Android App on PC.

Step 2: If you Go for Bluestack then Download and install it, then run the Bluestack and Click                 

on " Apps "
Then Click on the Tab " Social " and select " Whatsapp " and Install it.

Step 3: If you Go for Youwave which I am Using On My PC then just download  and install.
Now download Whatsapp.apk and move the downloaded file to PC directory.

             To Check PC's Directory, Open Youwave click on help > Instruction. Now move your           
    whatsapp.apk file in to that directory . Then Click on View then  Redraw Icons. 

Now You will see Whatsapp icon .

After Installing Whatsapp on Youwave or Bluestack you have to enter Mobile number which is not used earlier For Whatsapp account.  Then they will take 5 Minutes to verify and will send you Code.
Enter that code and thats all.

Note :  You won't Have any , You have to manually Enter Contacts and Save them.

I hope This tutorial will help you .

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Convert Any text To Audio without any Software

By on 23:57

HI friends, I am back with an awesome trick Which will help you to Convert Any Text to Audio Without Any Software. Isn't it Interesting?Yes it is.
With this trick you can convert any text to Audio without any use of third party software.
You just have to follow some simple steps.

Steps To Convert Text To Audio without any software:

Step 1. First of all Open notepad then copy the below text and paste it in notepad.

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion– ","By computer freaks")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

Step 2: After Pasting the Above Code in notepad, Save the file with the name Text To Audio.vbs.
remember the name of the file should be with .vbs extension.
its nothing but a Vbscript File.

Step 3: Now double click on the saved file and you will see a box like the below pic.

Step 4. Type your text which you want to hear, and then press OK. Thats it. All Done.
You can hear it load and clear.

Isn't it amazing ?

I know you will like it for sure.
Keep visiting and stay updated.

How To Skip Google Phone Verification

By on 08:13

Google does not allow users to create multiple Google Accounts. From each IP address we can create only 5 Google Accounts only and not more than that. If we want to create more than that limit, Google ask to verify using Phone. And there is no option to Skip Google phone Verification.

Skip Google Phone Verification:

There are some third-party sites to Bypass or Skip Google Phone Verification processes. I am going to share those sites and how to use them.


Pinger is a popular Free Texting Service in United States. This Pinger Service provides free mobile number to Text our Friends and Family for Free. So we are going to use that Free US Phone Number to verify our Google Services.
Free Texting Service – Pinger
Step 1: Open www.Pinger.com
Step 2: Click on the third option in Pinger website with “textfreeweb”
Step 3: It takes some time to load that page, after page loads click on “Sign up Free”
Step 4: Create an account in Pinger providing your Username, Password, Email ID & Click “Create”
Step 5: When it ask for the Zip Code give any US Zip Code, and select gender and age.
Step 6: Now it shows a list of US Phone Numbers, Choose any one number and Click “Confirm”
Step 7: Now when Google ask you to provide Phone Number while Sign Up for Google Services, select country as United States and give the Pinger number which you have chosen .
Step 8: After you provide the Pinger phone Number in Google Phone Verification, you will receive a Message to your Pinger account, using that Message you can verify your Google Account.
This is one of the methods to bypass the Google Phone Verification.


K7.net is a site where we can receive faxes and voice messages. After you receive a voice message you can listen to that voice messages also.
Receive Faxes And Voice Messages
Step 1: Open www.K7.net
Step 2: Click on Sign Up option on the top right corner.
Step 3: Provide your Email ID and choose your 4 Digits Security Code & leave the other settings as default.
Step 4: After you provide all the details you will receive a mail from k7.net to your provided Email ID with a New Phone Number and instructions.
Step 5: Return back to www.K7.net site to log in to your account. Click on the “my k7” on the top corner of the site.
Step 6: Provide the Phone number which you have received to your Email and enter your PIN which you provided while Sign up process.
Step 7: When Google ask to provide the Phone number to verify, you need to provide the number you got from k7.net and choose “Verification Options” with “Voice Call”
Step 8: Log in to your K7.net account after few minutes, you will receive a voice mail in you K7 account, you can open the file and listed to the PIN.
Step 9: After listening to the Voice mail with PIN enter the Pin in Google Phone Verification.
Using these third-party sites you can Bypass or Skip Google Phone Verification.