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Saturday 24 November 2012

How to make remote file with ardamax keylogger

By on 04:09

Remote Installation
Remote Installation Wizard is used to create the installation package that will install the keylogger on the target computer once it is launched.
Note: this feature is available for registered user only. Please register your Ardamax Keylogger copy.
To create such a package, right-click the tray icon.
And select the Remote Installation item. It will start the installation package wizard.

Click the Next button to continue.


This page is used to specify the general parameters of the installation package.
  • Installation folder on target computer - the folder the keylogger will be installed to on the target computer. You can select either the Windows folder or the system folder.
  • Additional components - components that will be installed together with the keylogger:
    • Log Viewer - the program for viewing logs.
    • Help file - help documentation.
    • Installation package builder - the component that makes it possible to create installation packages.
  • Append keylogger engine to file or another application - include a program or file that will be opened when this package is launched. Note: the extension of the installation file will be exe no matter what the extension of the included file is.
  • File path - the path to the file or program to be included. Click the Browse button to select the file.
Click the Next button to continue. You can use the rest of the pages to specify the parameters of the keylogger that will be installed on the target system.


This page is used to specify the advanced parameters of the package.
  • Installation package path - the path to the new installation package file. Click the Browse button to specify the path. Make sure that the specified location is available for writing and the name of the file has the exe extension.
  • Open the folder containing the installation package - open the folder with the installation package right after it is created.
  • Change Icon - change the package file icon. You can select any executable file with icons or a file with the ico extension.
Click the Next button to continue.


This page displays the summary information about the installation package being created.
Click the Finish button to finish creating the installation package.


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