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Tuesday 8 January 2013

Hack Your Broadband (No Risk)

By on 23:48

Hack Your Broadband (No Risk)

Step 1: Download any port Scanner (i preffer Super Scan or IPscanner)

Step 2: First Get your ip from
CODE www.whatismyip.com
Asume your IP to be 59.x.x.17

Step 3: copy your ip in IPscanner Software and scan for alive IPs in the below range
start:59.x.x.1 to End:59.x.x.255

Step 4: Then check in your scanner which alive IPs has the port 80 open

Step 5: Enter that alive IP in your web browser

Step 6: It asks for user , pass
Type u
Password=admin or password
It is the default password for most of the routers.

if denied then use on another alive IP

Step 7: If success then it will show router settings page of tht IP user
There goto Home -> Wan Setting and the username and password of his account will appear there.

Step 8: use ShowPassword or Revelation software to view the password in asterisks

Now You have Username/Password


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